
Read our latest blogs related to adolescent gynecology through prenatal care and delivery to menopause management, advanced gynecological surgery and much more.


Iron Tablets and Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a transformative phase, marked by profound physiological changes. As a mother-to-be nurtures a developing life, her body’s demands increase manifold. One crucial component

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What is Placenta Previa?

A beautiful journey awaits expectant mothers: the adventure of carrying a new life within. Yet, every pregnancy is as unique as the snowflakes that fall

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Preparing the Perineum for Birth

The journey to motherhood is a profound one, encompassing various preparations, both mentally and physically. One often overlooked but vitally significant preparation is readying the

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Preeclampsia & Pregnancy

The pregnancy journey is a tapestry of moments filled with anticipation, joy, and sometimes challenges. Among these challenges, preeclampsia stands out as a condition that

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Postpartum Recovery Tips

The journey of motherhood doesn’t end with the birth of your baby. It’s only the beginning of a new phase—postpartum recovery. This period involves healing,

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Planning for Maternity Leave

Bringing a new life into the world is an incredible journey filled with excitement and anticipation. As expectant parents in Lancaster, PA, one essential aspect

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The Role of the Birth Partner

Becoming a birth partner isn’t a role one should undertake lightly—it is a deeply transformative journey that thrives on support, encouragement, and love. We at

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Pregnancy and Dental Health

The pregnancy miracle brings many changes, not just to your body but also to your overall health, including dental health. Understanding the connection between pregnancy

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Safe Travel During Pregnancy

Embracing the journey of pregnancy doesn’t mean you have to put your travel aspirations on hold. With the proper precautions, adequate planning, and understanding of

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Second Trimester Screening Tests, Pregnancy, gynecology, medicine, health care and people concept - close up of gynecologist doctor showing ultrasound image on clipboard to pregnant woman at hospital

Second Trimester Screening Tests

Embarking on a pregnancy journey brings many emotions – joy, anticipation, and perhaps apprehension. This journey, full of transformative moments, leads you through distinct stages.

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Young woman breast feeding her newborn baby.

The Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is an invaluable gift that gives numerous advantages to mothers and their babies. This remarkable process nourishes and sustains life and supports the development

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One-Stop Women's Healthcare

In-House Services Now Available Across Our 7 Clinics!

May-Grant Obstetrics & Gynecology offers the convenience of one-stop care, with clinical visits, lab tests, prenatal and diagnostic ultrasound, women’s health education, many inpatient procedures, a 3D mammography imagine suite, and much more, all under one roof.

Contact us by filling out the form below.

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Please consider the following when booking:

Online scheduling is currently for ESTABLISHED May-Grant patients only. If you are a new patient (GYN or OB), please call the office at 717-397-8177 to schedule your appointment to ensure that your provider has enough time to address your needs.

If you schedule an appointment online as a new patient, your appointment will be canceled and you will not be able to be seen. A “New Patient” includes those who have not been seen in our offices in the past three years.

Additionally, your insurance coverage will be verified when you check in for your visit. Please confirm that we accept your insurance before booking online. If we do not accept your insurance, you will not be seen and your appointment will be canceled.

Each patient is unique, and so is each appointment type!

Online scheduling is currently for ESTABLISHED May-Grant patients only. If you are a new patient (GYN or OB), please call the office at 717-397-8177 to schedule your appointment to ensure that your provider has enough time to address your needs.

If you schedule an appointment online as a new patient, your appointment will be canceled and you will not be able to be seen. A “New patient” includes those who have not been seen in our offices in the past three years.