Adolescent Gynecology
Our women’s health experts at May-Grant OB/GYN have provided gynecological care for over 50 years. We have generations of midwives, nurse practitioners, and physicians ready
Our women’s health experts at May-Grant OB/GYN have provided gynecological care for over 50 years. We have generations of midwives, nurse practitioners, and physicians ready
When facing the possibility of breast cancer, having a team working for you is the best resource for your health. At May-Grant OB/GYN, we can
We strive to provide the best experiences to our patients. Read patient stories over the years at May-Grant Obstetrics & Gynecology.
If you are a *NEW* patient at May-Grant, you MUST call the office to schedule. The number is 717-397-8177.
*New* patients include those who have not been seen in our offices in the past three years.
By clicking “book now” and continuing, you are affirming that you are a current May-Grant patient. If you are a new patient, your appointment will be canceled, and you will need to call the office to schedule. This allows us to book you appropriate time with the appropriate provider.
Please consider the following when booking:
Online scheduling is currently for ESTABLISHED May-Grant patients only. If you are a new patient (GYN or OB), please call the office at 717-397-8177 to schedule your appointment to ensure that your provider has enough time to address your needs.
If you schedule an appointment online as a new patient, your appointment will be canceled and you will not be able to be seen. A “New Patient” includes those who have not been seen in our offices in the past three years.
Additionally, your insurance coverage will be verified when you check in for your visit. Please confirm that we accept your insurance before booking online. If we do not accept your insurance, you will not be seen and your appointment will be canceled.
Each patient is unique, and so is each appointment type!
Online scheduling is currently for ESTABLISHED May-Grant patients only. If you are a new patient (GYN or OB), please call the office at 717-397-8177 to schedule your appointment to ensure that your provider has enough time to address your needs.
If you schedule an appointment online as a new patient, your appointment will be canceled and you will not be able to be seen. A “New patient” includes those who have not been seen in our offices in the past three years.